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Haïti need help but what help is possible coming from states that have exploited Haïti and gave sustain to the dicatatures ? Haïti does’nt need military occupation !!!

Monday 1 February 2010

Military occupation of Haiti, for what purpose :

to fight against the risk of an earthquake? Yes! ! The social earthquake!

The U.S., Canada, Brazil, France, ... invaded Haiti militarily with the pretext of the earthquake. But it is neither the rescue workers, or doctors, or food that landed heavily in the island ravaged but trained troops to punish, kill, terrorize people. This means that these powers are not afraid in the first hunger, epidemics, nor do they feared the first earthquake and not preoccupied first possible rescues in collapsed houses. If they blocked the airport with the dispatch of 30,000 soldiers, it was not to fight against petty thieves in shops or secure shipments of food!

These great states have been affected by the fate of this unhappy people? Certainly not! They saw an opportunity to end the risk of the revolutionaries who had overthrown Island Baby Doc and his Macoutes, who rebelled against the military coups like Lafontant in 1991, who had to resign his army, which has not accepted the occupation troops of the UN and the American and French troops, who rebelled against hunger in 2008 and during the earthquake, began to organize itself and also to revolt. Port-au-Prince has been known for events with cries of "food and aid, not soldiers," and there were riots, barricades, and even an attempted insurgency group that had launched the sound of a tsunami. That is why major powers fear as the Haitian working people they are to supervise military.

One can read in the press: "Nelson Jobin, Brazilian Minister of Defense, back in Brazil, spoke of" the risk of riots. "This is not looting of" Carrefour Carrefour, where local resident Pauline Bonaparte which was, as Jamel, badly damaged by the earthquake, the concerns that motivate the head of the Italian Civil Protection and sending massive military reinforcements to Haiti. It is the prospect of a general insurrection in a country now without state infrastructure other than that try to be great nations and the UN, which is feared. "

The first reaction of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Kouchner, just hours after the disaster, when thousands of Haitians are buried under the ruins that are already dead by the tens of thousands homeless by million is "we must preserve order, stop looting and ensure the properties’!
And, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil Celso Amorim adds: "It is clear that this tragedy requires special attention regarding the order and security. D’autant plus que les prisons ont été détruites » (dans "O Estado" du 14 janvier) Especially since the prisons were destroyed "(in" O Estado ", 14 January)

Asked on the Today Show for NBC, the American ambassador in Port-au-Prince, Kenneth Merten said that "U.S. troops intervened in the case where neither the Haitian police or peacekeepers could security ".

They want to rehire the Haitian military, resigned since 1995, the Haitian army was disbanded.
They will completely rebuild the army and the Haitian police.
And that, they say, the greatest urgency.
And why?
Because of years of revolt had already partially demolished the bourgeois state, discredited by its atrocities in the service of the ruling classes, at the time but after Duvalier.
Because the Haitian army was then revealed as rotten as the Duvalier dictatorship.

The U.S., Brazil or Canada will therefore provide the army of occupation until they rebuild the oppressive state.
That is the main "international aid" until the funds collected as usual landing mostly in the hands of the ringleaders of the Haitian bourgeoisie and military leaders of the Haitian police!

And do not forget that the rebuilding of a country must first refer to companies in rich countries that help. During the World Economic Forum (WEF) held as every year in Davos, Switzerland, Mr. Clinton’s special envoy for Haiti, the UN has called on entrepreneurs to invest in the country by stating that the investment in Haiti must be seen as "an opportunity to do business" .... This humanitarian profit is the real purpose and workers would really be suspicious when the operation Obama called "Clinton-Bush", named after the two U.S. presidents who have made war on the people of Haiti in the past when he rebelled.

We have just witnessed, ostensibly to deal with the consequences of an earthquake, landed in Haiti to 30,000 armed soldiers, the U.S., France, Brazil ..., an event whose meaning escapes unfortunately most workers, victims of media propaganda on a large scale. Everything has been done to make them believe that the world was speaking against the earthquake to help "a victim of unfortunate people a natural disaster, once again suffered a sad fate."! They landed arms and ammunition and some food and care ....

How to explain that the small nation of Haiti makes such fear to the great powers, so that they will send military armadas armed to the teeth with black berets U.S. paratroopers and Marines, broken civil wars? Most Workers don’t know that the small nation of Haiti is not only a very poor population, but also a feared revolutionary proletariat of the ruling classes worldwide. Since the revolution started in 1984-86, the Haitian population has learned to fight on its own. It has a long experience of struggle, more than any other nation in the world. She knows to be wary of police and ruling classes have stopped the massacre under Duvalier and after Duvalier, after U.S. military intervention of 1994 and after the international occupation from 2004 as before.

The ruling classes fear above all the discredit of the Haitian state and the absence of repressive forces that would make an overwhelming popular movement. And this danger is exacerbated by the fact that the earthquake has helped to destroy the State of Haiti both physically and in its credibility. If the buildings were demolished to the confidence of the people in this state has also been, seeing that it was completely absent to rescue victims and organize relief efforts, the organization of care, housing for disaster victims , safety of residents and distribution of food ...

And the fear of global ruling class especially for the future: the more time passes, people can learn to do without a bourgeois state. Now, to address the urgency of the situation, without help from the Haitian government or foreign armed forces, people organize themselves into neighborhood committees and federate to organize water and power, build and protect neighborhoods. And they fear nothing so much as the fact that this situation persists because then the oppressed of Haiti would become ungovernable. The ruling classes of the world have nothing to fear as the situation of a people who learn, as the Paris Commune to dispense with the State of the oppressors.

Robert Paris

Haiti: A history of exploitation and struggle

Amanda Zivcic
23 January 2010

Since the earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, there has been a global outpouring of support. Many people, horrified by the scenes of sheer devastation, the astronomical death toll and the struggle of survivors to gain access to medicines, food and shelter, are left wondering: why so many?

The oft-repeated tag of Haiti being “the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere” is true but this did not just happen. It is the result of a history of colonialism, slavery, imperialism, foreign military intervention, foreign-imposed dictatorships and unjust debt.

The Caribbean nation’s indigenous people were all but wiped out by 1520 due to the disease and exploitation that came with the arrival of the Spaniards in 1492. After France and Spain divided the island of Hispaniola into Haiti and the Dominican Republic, French and Spanish settlers arrived.

The colonisers brought enslaved Africans with them to establish tobacco, sugar and coffee plantations.

The slave plantations began Haiti’s environmental destruction, the destabilisation of its soils, helping make natural disasters, such as landslides, much more destructive.

After a successful slave revolt, Haiti became the world’s first post-colonial black state.

In 1791, the heavily African-majority northern plains of Haiti were home to the beginning of the slave revolution. Led by former slave Toussaint L’Overture, the Haitians defeated the French slave owners.

Appealing to the ideology and principles of the French Revolution, the Haitians secured the abolition of slavery throughout French territories in 1794. It was in the name of the revolutionary French Republic that the Haitians defeated armies from Spain and Britain.

The British lost more troops against the former slaves in Haiti than in any other campaign during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars.

But by 1801 France, was under Napoleon Bonaparte’s military dictatorship. In December, Bonaparte sent a force of 20,000 elite troops to invade Haiti and re-establish slavery.

Although Toussaint was captured by treachery, the Haitian ex-slaves, now led by Jean-Jacques Dessalines, defeated the invaders and declared independence in 1804.

The repercussions of this were immense. The abolition of the Atlantic slave trade three years later and the end of slavery in the Caribbean (except Cuba) within 30 years was a direct result. As the first independent state in Latin America, it served as a launching pad for the revolutionary struggles in the early 19th century that liberated much of South America from Spanish rule.

For the European colonial powers and the US (where slavery remained until the 1860s), an independent state of self-liberated slaves was an abomination. An international embargo was imposed.

This was lifted in 1825 in return for a Haitian commitment to compensate France for loss of their property — the Haitian slaves. This was the beginning of Haiti’s crippling debt (see box).

In 1915, the US invaded and occupied Haiti, transferring the gold reserves of the Haitian National Bank to US-owned Citibank. Haiti’s constitution was changed to allow for US ownership of land.

This fuelled the creation of large, lucrative plantations, in the process driving peasant farmers from their land into urban slum areas — where 90% unemployment remains.

This was a military-driven economic and political takeover, hugely profitable for US capitalists.

Haitians resisted the de facto US take over. But they were brutally repressed, with the death toll somewhere in the tens of thousands.

The US trained the hated and repressive Haitian National Army to control the population after US troops withdrew in 1934.

From the late 1950s, the US backed the psychotic dictator Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier, and, after his death in 1971, his son, Jean-Francois “Baby Doc” Duvalier.

Papa Doc created the infamous terror squads known as the Tonton Macoutes. His son established 11-cent-per-hour US-owned sweatshops in the slum areas. During the Duvaliers’ reign, it is estimated that more than 50,000 people were killed by the Tontons.

Baby Doc was overthrown by an uprising in 1986. Following a string of military regimes, anti-Duvalier movement leader and pro-poor priest, Jean Bertrand Aristide, was elected president in 1991.

Hugely popular among Haiti’s poor, Aristide and his Lavalas party had a commitment to mass education, health care, and development of local agriculture. He lasted nine months before a US-orchestrated coup removed him.

Outraged Haitians rebelled, demanding his return. Thousands were killed in areas, such as Port-au-Prince’s Cite Soleil where Lavalas had popular support.

In 1994, Aristide was restored as president with US assistance. During his exile, Aristide was given the choice of accepting US support, which was tied to accepting neoliberal IMF and World Bank “reforms”, or have Haiti face ongoing rule by the murderous coup regime.

Despite the conditions imposed by the IMF and World Bank, ongoing social reform still took place under Lavalas, particularly after Aristide’s landslide re-election in 2000.

These reforms included disbanding the hated Haitian army, building more schools than in the entire of Haiti’s prior history, encouraging local farming, providing health care, and fostering grassroots organisations.

This led to a second US-backed coup against Aristide.

Kidnapped from his bed by the US military, on February 29, 2004, he was flown to the Central African Republic as a new regime was installed.

US marines and Haitian death squads unleashed a new reign of terror against the people. In June, they were replaced by a force of 7000 UN troops, mainly Brazilian, who have also been cited for human rights violations.

In 2005, a Doctors Without Borders (MSF) statement “called publicly on all armed groups to respect the safety of civilians and allow the wounded to obtain emergency care”.

“Ironically, the following day, the UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti launched a day-long military operation in the Cite Soleil slum, and the trauma centre received 27 gunshot victims — three-quarters of whom were women and children.”

After the earthquake, Haiti certainly needs our solidarity, support and funding. But we also need to remember how and why it is so poor and stand in solidarity with Haitian movements calling for an end to its debt, for a real democracy based on self-determination and sovereignty free from foreign occupation, for and endogenous (internal) development rather than aid.

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