Contribution au débat sur la philosophie dialectique du mode de formation et de transformation de la matière, de la vie, de l’homme et de la société
Ce site est complémentaire de

  • The chartist movement (in french language)

    30 décembre 2009

    les compagnons de la charte

  • Links - Liens

    29 décembre 2009

    Tendance Communiste Internationaliste Courant Communiste International
    Revolutionary Workers Group, USA
    China Worker
    China Worker sur Facebook
    China Info, China
    World Socialist Web Site, Great Britain (en français)
    Archivos Leon Trotsky
    Socialismo o barbarie
    GSI, LIT-CI, France
    Upon groups coming from trotskysm, in France and elswhere
    GIGC, Révolution ou Guerre
    GMI, Collectif Révolution Permanente
    Forum des Marxistes Révolutionnaires (...)

  • Is Nature Dialectical ?

    27 décembre 2009

    George Novack’s Understanding History
    Is Nature Dialectical ?
    On December 7, 1961, 6000 young people gathered in a Paris auditorium to listen to a debate on dialectics by four noted French scholars.[1] Such a meeting would be as unlikely in New York as the outdoor recitals poets give before large crowds in Moscow. Different countries, different customs—and different levels of cultural and intellectual development.
    The participants in the symposium represented the two most widely (...)

  • Writings of Leon Trotsky

    24 décembre 2009

    Writings of Leon Trotsky

  • Writings of Harold Isaacs

    24 décembre 2009

    Writings of Harold Isaacs

  • Writings of Karl Liebnecht

    24 décembre 2009

    Writings of Karl Liebnecht

  • Writings of Rosa Luxemburg

    24 décembre 2009

    Writings of Rosa Luxemburg

  • Where we stand

    20 décembre 2009

    Where we stand and ... what we don’t want more
    December 14, 2009, by Robert Paris, Levi Tiekoura Hamed
    "The workers have no country. (...) Abolish the exploitation of man by man, and you eliminate the exploitation of one nation by another nation. (...) The ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of all countries, unite !"
    Karl Marx (1848), The Communist Manifesto
    "We like to assign (...)

  • Freud, the psychology of the dream process

    19 décembre 2009

    THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE DREAM PROCESSES AMONG the dreams which have been communicated to me by others, there is one which is at this point especially worthy of our attention. It was told me by a female patient who had heard it related in a lecture on dreams. Its original source is unknown to me. This dream evidently made a deep impression upon the lady, since she went so far as to imitate it, i.e., to repeat the elements of this dream in a dream of her own ; in order, by this transference, (...)

  • Results and perspectives

    18 décembre 2009

    Léon Trotsky, Results and perspectives
    The character of the Russian Revolution was the fundamental question in relation to which the various ideological trends and political organizations of the Russian revolutionary movement grouped themselves. Even in the social-democratic movement itself this question aroused serious disagreements from the moment events gave it a practical character. From 1904 onwards these differences took the shape of two fundamental trends, Menshevism and (...)

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