Contribution au débat sur la philosophie dialectique du mode de formation et de transformation de la matière, de la vie, de l’homme et de la société
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  • Chaos in the brain

    8 juillet 2010

    Chaos in the brain

  • Freud, the psychology of the dream process

    19 décembre 2009

    THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE DREAM PROCESSES AMONG the dreams which have been communicated to me by others, there is one which is at this point especially worthy of our attention. It was told me by a female patient who had heard it related in a lecture on dreams. Its original source is unknown to me. This dream evidently made a deep impression upon the lady, since she went so far as to imitate it, i.e., to repeat the elements of this dream in a dream of her own ; in order, by this transference, (...)

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