Who Was Christian Rakovsky
Christian Rakovsky against Stalinism
Speech to the Fifteenth Party Congress
(December 1927)
Comrades! The sphere of international relations is that sphere which necessitates the greatest unity in the party. Our foreign enemy is the most dangerous of all enemies, both for our party and the proletarian dictatorship. [Voices: “That is way you are breaking up the party. You should have known this before! You should have remembered that on November 7th!”] (…)
Accueil > Mots-clés > Classes sociales et Partis politiques > Trotskisme
Christian Rakovsky against Stalinism
8 September 2019, by Robert Paris -
Trotsky’s answer to Stalin
13 December 2023, by Robert ParisTrotsky’s answer to Stalin
November 1926
The following speech was delivered by Trotsky at the Seventh Plenum of the Executive Committee of the Communist International in November 1926.
Comrades! The resolution accuses the Opposition including me, of a social democratic deviation. I have thought over all the points of contention which have divided us, the minority of the CC from the majority during the period just past, that is, the period in which the designation “Opposition bloc” has (…) -
The first open declaration of opposition by old Bolshevik leaders to Stalinism in 1923
16 mars 2023, par Robert ParisThe Platform of the 46
A week after Leon Trotsky had sent his letter to the Central Committee 46 prominent Bolsheviks, some of whom occupied leading posts in economic management, presented their own criticism of the economic and inner-Party policy of the Party leadership of Kamenev, Zinoviev, Stalin, Rykov and Tomsky. This statement of opposition which became known as ‘The Platform of the 46’ was submitted to the Politburo on October 15, 1923, after being circulated among a number of Party (…) -
20 September 2024, by Robert ParisC.L.LR. James
EVEN WHILE THE STALINISTS, BY FALSIFICATION AND PHYSICAL repression, were destroying the propagandists of international Socialism, the world revolution which had seemed so remote in October, 1924, stirred itself, and even while the new theory was being made law presented the International with one of its greatest opportunities. We have to pass over how the Stalinists forced the Communist Party of Poland to support Pilsudski in the coup (…) -
9 January 2024, by Robert ParisC.L.R. James
THERE IS A LOGIC IN HISTORY AND DESPITE ALL THE rich and strange episodes of historical evolution there is a consistent line which can be followed. We can see the future of the Third International in the role it plays in the Spanish revolution. THE SPANISH REVOLUTION
When Franco launched his attack on the Popular Front Government, that hybrid showed exactly what is to be expected from these political combinations of bourgeoisie and (…) -
Trotsky and Trotskyism in India
4 janvier 2023, par Robert ParisTrotsky and Trotskyism in India
L.D. Trotsky
The Revolution in India
(May 1930)
Leon Trotsky An Open Letter to the Workers of India (July 1939)
L. Trotsky Tasks of the Left Opposition in England and India
(November 1931)
The Fourth International to the (…) -
L’opposition communiste et internationaliste contre la bureaucratie en 1923-1924
23 janvier 2022, par Robert ParisLénine et Trotsky en 1923
L’opposition communiste et internationaliste contre la bureaucratie de 1923-1924
Trotsky ouvre l’attaque
Au cours de l’été 1923, des grèves éclatèrent dans certaines industries clés de l’Union soviétique. Les travailleurs des usines d’ingénierie de Sormovo, Kharkov, du bassin du Donets et d’ailleurs ont arrêté le travail en raison du non-paiement des salaires qui, dans un certain nombre de cas, étaient en retard de trois mois. En août, la Banque d’État a (…) -
Ce qu’a écrit Trotsky l’année de son assassinat par Staline
13 avril 2023, par Robert ParisCe qu’a écrit Trotsky l’année de son assassinat par Staline
Le 17 août 1940, Léon Trotsky prédisait que Staline allait le faire assassiner
La tentative d’assassinat
L’assassinat de Trotsky
https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=assassinat+trotsky+site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.matierevolution.fr+OR+site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.ma -
Alfred Rosmer, itinéraire d’un révolutionnaire
30 août 2024, par Robert ParisLire aussi :
https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark :/12148/bpt6k48009299
Alfred Rosmer, itinéraire d’un révolutionnaire
par Fabrol
A LA VEILLE de la déclaration de la première guerre mondiale, trois jours après l’assassinat de Jaurès, le 2 août 1914 à la salle Wagram, (…) -
La guerre d’Indochine et les travailleurs français
9 mars 2021, par Robert ParisUne brochure de Jacques Ramboz
mardi 18 août 2009, par Robert Paris
Qui était Jacques Ramboz ?
Né à Paris en 1917 et mort en 1999, Jacques Ramboz a été un militant trotskyste.
En 1930, il adhère aux jeunesses communistes et au PCF, s’oppose en 1938 à la politique dite de "Front populaire" de ce parti et le quitte pour devenir trotskyste sous l’influence de Barta. Il participe au Groupe Communiste (quatrième internationale) avec ce dernier. Ce groupe devient ensuite l’Union Communiste (…)